Mission and Focus



リーハイバレー・ジャパニーズ・ミニストリーズは、2013年にペンシルベニア州ベスレヘムに設立され、日本人に人生の目的を教え、真のアイデンティティを回復する手助けをしています。また、日本人として、他の国々に仕えることで、自分たちも世界に素晴らしいインパクトを与えることができると信じます。2019年2月に一般社団法人エルシャダイ・センター・ジャパン、443-0013 愛知県蒲郡市大塚町伊賀久保100ー2 を設立しました。



彼にうち勝ち、死に至るまでもそのいのちを惜しまなかった。 」(黙示録12:11)





Mission & Services

Japanese people helping others to find the purpose of their lives, and serve people as Japanese!

Lehigh Valley Japanese Ministries was founded in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 2013 to teach Japanese people what they are created for, helping the people to find the purpose of their lives, and restoring their true identities. Also, as Japanese, we would like to make a difference by serving other nations. We provide counseling services, receive prayer requests, provide translation and interpretation services, support missions and disaster relief funding, and so on. We connect people who look for the local Japanese community to other Japanese Christian groups. Mainly we correspond to each other via email, social network services, phone calls, and video chats.

We established a legal entity called El Shaddai Center Japan, General Incorporated Association in Japan in February 2019. Our organizations provide translating of Christian TV programs, documentary movies, books and online teaching courses, mission support, disaster funding, and so on. The main office of the organization is located in 49-2 Tonomon, Toyookacho, Gamagori city, Aichi-ken, Japan, 443-0011.

Main Translation Contents

“Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day…” (Joshua 14:12)

Our firm personal testimony will motivate and bless people to change themselves. People simply cannot argue against the truth of our experiences with Jesus. Testimonies are so powerful! That is the reason why we put subtitles on the powerful testimonies.
In every society, there are “7 Mountains”.  As God’s people, we are to establish God’s dominion in these areas of media, politics, education, economy, religion, art/entertainment, and family.  Lehigh Valley Japanese Ministries exists to conquer the mountain of media for God.
Our goal is to become a blessing to other nations by striving to translate into many different languages, such as Spanish and Korean.


As Japanese, we have been given many gifts by God. In particular, Japanese are diligent, polite, sensitive and very loyal. They try very hard to seek unity as a group. Our prayer and wish is that we are able to be the light in the world and be used by God.  There are major sins of adultery and immorality that exist in Japan, causing guilt and shame to fall upon the people of Japan. Casually, and on a daily basis, the average Japanese person encounters idol worship, fortune telling, and occult practices such as spiritualism.  We want to send out resources that will bring them to repentance and revelation, and from there healing and deliverance.